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A Message from Archbishop

Bree is a spirited and standout font that takes its inspiration from handwriting. It's sure to grab your reader's attention, especially in short paragraphs.

Christ is Risen! Grace and Peace everyone! It has been a challenging Holy Week and Pascha Sunday as we are scattered and sequestered in our homes. 

Moving forward, it appears we need to plan to continue “as is” into May. That means at some point we will need to distribute pre-sanctified gifts to those who desire it locally, as we did prior to Holy Week. We will keep you updated.

More than ever I feel compelled to encourage us all to continue in daily prayer for the “soldiers” who risk their health and lives daily on the front lines for us all.  While many of us have the benefit of safely working from home, many of our brothers and sisters who are serving us in the medical, military, transportation, police, postal, firefighter, paramedic, grocery, banking, restaurant take out and delivery, and mortuary vocations risk exposure every day.

As we walk out our Ascension Perception, let us not forget that we are one, serving one another in many unique and different ways. If one of us suffers, we all suffer! I look forward to the day we can once again fellowship and worship face to face.  In the meantime, stay strong in the faith, positive, fearless, and exercise wisdom in Christ.  Remember, our faith does not make us pridefully invincible or immune to the silent enemy we are fighting.  One thing is sure, our God Reigns, and we will endure and overcome this time of trial and testing. Although we are absent in body, we are ever present in the Lord.


Lovingly in Christ,


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